
Zeke stepped out of the bunkhouse.  He looked at the sun rising in the distance, stretched and started walking towards the barn.  Austin was already there; he’d led his palomino out and was checking the cinch and seating of the saddle. 

“Morning,” Zeke nodded as he passed and went in to retrieve and saddle his own mount.  Daisy Mae was a large chestnut, gentle as could be though and he loved her.  He led her out of her stall and grabbed his saddle; he tossed the blanket over her back then hefted the saddle up into place and began fastening and checking straps. He spent a few minutes tightening the straps and adjusting for her comfort.  Daisy Mae stood placidly through it all.  Picking up her reigns he led her out to find Austin packing up their supplies on their pack horse.

They’d be out for a day or two, there were several calves missing and they were on a mission to find them.  There were a couple of places where they suspected that they could be, if a predator hadn’t got them that is.  With everything set in place, they rode out. Ole Duke, an old mutt, and Charlie, a border collie followed along, trotting beside the horses.

They headed to the west, the herd had been there grazing in those fields the last few days and there were foothills leading up the mountains behind those fields, so it was a good chance the missing calves would be lost in those rocks.

The ride was a couple of hours, and they rode mostly in silence.  Austin had a habit of singing to himself and that was about all the conversation that they had, until they arrived at the western field.  Zeke pulled up and looked around, he pointed to a sheltered area off to the west.

“I think we can set up a base camp there,” he said pointing to the spot, “and then branch out to search from there.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Austin answered, he clucked, flicking his reigns and guided his own horse and the pack horse over to the area Zeke indicated.  They both dismounted and began to unpack their camping gear and supplies.  Zeke brushed up against Austin as they worked. Austin smelled of sweat, horse and soap and Zeke inhaled deeply; he felt a stirring in his pants that he tried to hide. 

They set up a single tent, unrolled the sleeping bags and set up a fire pit, then tethered the horses as they prepared lunch.  They had brought some camp stools and set those up near the fire, which they hadn’t lit yet.  When they’d finished eating, tossing the scraps to the dogs, they both needed to relieve themselves and they stepped away from the camp, and both unbuttoned and unzipped their wranglers and hauled their cocks out, letting a strong stream flow from each of them.  Zeke couldn’t take his eyes off of Austin’s cock – soft and pissing it hung about four inches; he was cut and Zeke knew first hand that four turned into eight when Austin got excited.  He heard a cough and looked up to see Austin watching him.  There was a smile in Austin’s eyes and Zeke watched as Austin’s eye trailed down to look at his cock. Zeke was a shower; he hung almost six inches soft but only hardened to just an inch over that.  Austin nodded with his approval and reached across to give Zeke a tug. 

“Later, this is going to be mine,” he said.  Zeke reached back across to try to tug on Austin, but Austin pushed his hand away, “Let’s get after these missing animals. And we can take care of these later.”

Austin slowly ran his hand along Zeke’s cock, which was hardening fast, then stepped away, releasing the cock and pushed his own cock back into his pants, and zipped up. Zeke moaned in frustration, but he was used to Austin’s games and his need to control the action. This wouldn’t be the first time they’d played.

They mounted up and headed out, looking for tracks and signs of the missing calves.  Both dogs trotted along with them.  They found the first one quickly, she was only about a hundred yards from their campsite but stuck in some rocks.  They freed her and looped a rope around her neck to lead her out and back to safety. They returned to camp and extended the rope line, to make room for the extra animals, and left the calf there, with Charlie ordered to Guard, which he’d been trained to do.  They rode back out to find the others.  There was feed and water within reach of the tethered animals.

It was close to sunset when Austin spotted tracks, and had Duke on the trail, they followed them for a bit but lost them in the rocks.  As the light dimmed and with nothing else to do, they returned to camp.  They’d planned to be out for a few days, so they weren’t surprised to not find the other calves as easily as the first.

They rode back into camp, dismounted and unsaddled their mounts, brushed and fed them, the pack horse and the calf and got everyone settled in for the night.  They tossed some dried meat to the dogs, knowing they’d get scraps later. Animals cared for; it was time to take care of themselves. Zeke started preparing food and turned to find Austin naked, except for his boots, walking towards him.

Austin wasn’t hard yet, but his cock was certainly standing up, at least starting to.  It swung in the evening air as he walked across the small camp to Zeke.  Zeke had been kneeling down working on a small camp stool, doing double duty as a table. As he looked up, his eyes focused on that swaying cock as it approached him, getting harder with each step.  The four quickly growing and by the time he reached Zeke, he was sporting almost seven.

He pulled Zeke’s face up, aimed his cock and pushed it directly into Zeke’s mouth, leaving Zeke no choice but to open wide and take it. Austin stood there, slowly working his cock down Zeke’s throat, pushing deeper with each stroke and with each stroke his cock continued to grow to its full eight inches.

Austin placed a hand on either side of Zeke’s head, holding Zeke in place as he drove his cock into Zeke’s mouth. Pushing in, and pulling out, thrusting hard, his balls smacking against Zeke’s chin.  Spittle began to leak out of Zeke’s mouth, as the cock filled his throat.  He gagged briefly and forced Austin back enough to allow him to catch his breath.  Austin helped him to his feet and began to work Zeke out of his clothes. Off came the button-down heavy cotton shirt, then the jeans were unzipped and pulled down.  That tipped Zeke onto his butt and Austin took that opportunity to lift each leg in turn and pull off the boot, then the pant leg.  In moments Zeke was dressed in only his socks, white cotton climbing to mid-calf. 

Austin stood him up again and knelt in front of him taking his cock into his mouth. He let it glide into his mouth, down his throat and he held it there for a few moments before he pulled it all the way out of his mouth.

“See, I told you this was going to be mine.” He said and swallowed Zeke’s cock again.  As he worked on milking Zeke his hands reached behind Zeke and started to play with Zeke’s ass. He massaged the cheeks, pulled them apart, spreading and trying work a finger towards Zeke’s hole.  Closer and closer he got to the hot pink pucker.  Zeke was getting more and more excited by Austin’s attention to his ass. 

In the bunk house, you’d be limited to a quick blow job, or a hand job but fucking was as hard to come by as privacy. Out here, though, Austin was indulging himself on cock and ass and Zeke knew this was only the beginning.  As his cock settled deep in Austin’s throat, he moaned loudly, the moan echoing across the valley in the evening quiet. Neither of them was worried about the sound carrying. Not out here.

After a few minutes, Austin pulled off Zeke’s cock, spun him around and pushed his legs apart. He spread Zeke’s cheeks, holding them open with a hand on each cheek then drove his tongue as deep into Zeke as he could.  He pulled back, spit a huge gob of spit onto Zeke’s hole then worked it in with his tongue. He drove his tongue in, curling it then spreading it open again, working to open Zeke as much as possible.  Finally, he stood up, spit a huge wad of spit onto his palm and massaged the spit onto his cock.

Zeke braced for the invasion, trying to relax but he still tensed as soon as Austin’s cock tip touch his hole.  Austin pushed forward, pushed harder and then pulled back and pushed again.  Finally, his head popped into Zeke, stretching him causing Zeke to groan in pain.  Charlie came up and licked Zeke’s face then, as if to calm him.  Zeke shooed him away.  Austin didn’t wait for Zeke to acclimate, though, he kept right on pushing, sinking deeper and deeper into Zeke’s ass.  Finally, he felt his balls slap against Zeke’s and that’s when Austin paused.  He placed a hand on either side of Zeke’s hips, to brace himself but also to hold Zeke in place, then he slowly withdrew his cock, pulling back until only the head remained.  He paused then, again, and Zeke took an anticipatory breath. Austine then drove home again.  Zeke howled which got both dogs going, they paced around.  Zeke yelled at them to be still.

Austin laughed but continue to fuck Zeke’s ass, he was moving faster now and Zeke lifted one arm to stroke his own hard cock.  He was stroking hard, slightly faster than Austin was fucking his ass.  He could feel his load rising; closer and closer the faster Austin drove into him.

With a grunt he let go, his cock shooting his load across the ground under him.  Austin felt him cum, heard his moans of pleasure and he was right behind him, emptying his load into Zeke’s ass.  He collapsed down across Zeke’s back for a second. Then as his cock began to soften, he pulled out, stood up and shook his cock to dislodge the last drops of cum.

“Weren’t you making dinner?” he said and stepped outside the camp proper to have a post cum pee.  The dogs trotted along beside him.  Zeke gathered himself up, and remaining naked finished their meal prep.  They lit the fire, cooked the meat and sat naked together quietly through the evening.  They exchanged blow jobs before they crawled into their sleeping bags.  Charlie curled up near the calf and Ole Duke paced a pit before he plopped down in front of the tent.

In the morning Austin blew Zeke again but declined the return favour.  They dressed and took care of the animals then saddled up their horses and rode out to find the tracks they’d seen at sundown, leaving Charlie on guard duty for the pack horse and the one calf they’d already found.

It took them a bit to find where they’d seen the tracks but this time they dismounted and headed up into the rocks themselves.  They’d been wandering about 15 minutes through the rocky terrain when they heard the calf bellowing. Austin commanded Ole Duke to seek. They followed the dog and drew nearer to the sound.  It was almost noon when they finally caught up with the calf, wandering free across the rocks, crying out forlornly.  No doubt hungry and thirsty.  Zeke approached the skittish animal and managed to lasso her and pulled her behind him as they made their way back to the horses and then back to camp.

They talked idly as they rode, the calf trotting behind them and Ole Duke leading the way.

“That’s two, were there three or four?” Zeke asked.

  “Four, let’s head out in the other direction after lunch, see what we can find.”

They finished eating and cleaned up the camp when Austin came up on Zeke from behind.  Reaching around, he undid Zeke’s belt buckle and then the top button of his jeans, before turning Zeke to face him and dropped to his knees.  He pulled the loosened pants down and Zeke’s underwear with them. He was sweaty and musky after a day and half in the field.  Austin inhaled the scent then took Zeke’s cock into his mouth.  He worked up and down the shaft, pushing hard to get Zeke to cum quickly. 

Zeke didn’t disappoint, in that regard. His load rose quickly, and he could feel that tell-tale tingle starting. He reached forward and held Austin’s head in place and fucked his throat hard, driving his cock hard into Austin.  Then he reached the point of no return, he balls contracted and emptied their milky treasure down Austin’s throat, who didn’t spill a drop.

Once Zeke was done, Austin stood up and turned towards the horses, leaving Zeke to stand softening cock waving in the afternoon sun as he looked back over his shoulder, “Let’s mount up,” he said as if nothing had happened.  Zeke shook his cockhead, flicking off the last drop of cum still leaking from him, pulled up his pants and did them up, then followed Austin to the horses.  They mounted up and rode off, Ole Duke trotting along beside them. Charlie trotted a few feet, following them then turned back to guard as he’d been ordered to. 

They rode in silence for about an hour before they spotted tracks, Austin thought he could see the tracks of both calves, though he did admit he could be wrong.  They followed the tracks for some time, seeing them diverge into two paths.  They followed the one that headed south.  They’d ridden about 30 minutes more when Ole Duke tensed and growled.  They slowed then as they were coming to a small incline and a bit of a drop off.  Duke paced back and forth in front of them.  The two men rode up, dismounted and looked over the edge, below lay the remains of a calf, buzzards were feeding on what was left of it but something larger had clearly fed on it first. 

They both shook their heads, mounted up and rode back to the other tracks, they followed those.  They were lucky here, it didn’t take them long to find the fresh track and there was the young bull, trapped in brambles.  When he saw them or smelled he started to cry out in mournful moos. Duke buzzed around the shrub but couldn’t find a way into the calf.  They dismounted and both men began to work at pulling the brambles up.  Zeke dropped a rope around the animal’s neck, when they were close to freeing him, and then they finished clearing the shrub.  Austin took the rope and tied it to his saddle; they mounted up and rode back to the camp.  Charlie rushed out to meet them and he and Duke rushed around glad to see each other.

It was dusk, as they rode into camp.  They decided to spend the night there and then ride back in the morning. They’d rescued three of the four animals they’d been sent to find, so they considered it a positive trip.

They were both sweaty and dirty, after two days in the saddle and the wild.  It was a hot night.  Zeke stripped off his shirt and was sitting in just pants and boots.  His chest was lightly furred, the fur on his chest and arms matted with sweat and dirt.  Austin joined him in losing his shirt. Austin was smooth skinned but no less dusty and sweaty.

They set about getting the horses brushed and fed, then they put feed down for the calves, water for everyone, although that was running low, they’d stop at a stream on the ride back in the morning to give the animals a good drink. 

Once that was taken care of, they fed themselves, tossing scraps to the dogs.  They lit a fire, but more to help cook their food than to keep warm, it was a stifling night.

Austin took off his boots and then his pants.  His briefs were saggy and sweat stained as well.  He left his socks on but sat by the fire drinking coffee (the strongest thing they’d brought).

Zeke worked on prepping their food and he got hotter and hotter as he worked around the fire.  He shed his boots and then his pants as well but went further than Austin, he pulled off his underwear and his socks.  Naked he tended and then served their food.  He sat on the small camp stool, his cock and balls hanging low between his legs.  Across the fire from him Austin sat and admired Zeke’s nude body.  His own cock, untouched began to harden.  His underwear was tented, as he admired the view in front of him.

They finished their meal, and Austin stood to gather their dishes.  There was no hiding the hardon in his underwear though, and he didn’t try.  When he got within reach, Zeke reached up and caressed the long cock in its dirty cotton covering.  Austin put the plates on the ground and leaned down to kiss Zeke.  He pulled Zeke to his feet, and they moved into the relative comfort of the tent.  They lay down on top of the sleeping bags and wrapped in each other’s arms they continued the kiss. 

Zeke pushed Austin’s underwear down and pulled them off.  They swung around then and moved into a 69 position, and each took the other’s cock into his mouth.  The tent was alive with the smell of man and sex.  Zeke had rolled on top and dove down on Austin’s cock, managing to take most of it into his throat.  At the same time, he pushed his own nearly seven inches into Austin’s throat.  Both men gagged slightly as they accommodated their throats to the cocks pushing in.

Austin pulled Zeke’s cock out of his mouth and moved up, for him, to reach for Zeke’s ass.  He pulled his head up, and Zeke’s ass down and reached his tongue for Zeke’s sweaty ass and drove it in.

Zeke moaned around Austin’s cock as he felt the tongue penetrate him.  He scooted forward slightly and tilted his ass to help Austin reach his hole better.  They rode that way for a few minutes.  Austin added fingers to tongue, and he really began to work at opening Zeke’s ass. 

Zeke pull his mouth off Austin’s cock.

“Fuck me.”

Austin rolled them so that Zeke lay on his back and flipped himself around.  He lifted Zeke’s legs and rested them on his shoulder, then spit into his palm and rubbed his cock with it.  He positioned himself between Zeke’s legs and pushed his cock into Zeke’s hole. 

Zeke clenched, the tongue and fingers had helped but he still wasn’t as prepared as he’d like, and his ass resisted opening for Austin.   Austin wasn’t about to be put off though and he pulled back, spit again onto his palm, rubbing it onto his cock, and then again onto Zeke’s ass.  He used his saliva covered cock to rub the spit into Zeke’s crack, then tried again.  This time his head popped in, but Zeke was tight and he had to hold there to wait for Zeke to relax.

Then slowly, his cock began to sink into Zeke’s ass.  Deeper and deeper he sank and with each inch, Zeke moaned out louder.  He was almost crying in need by the time Austin bottomed out.  Zeke’s cock was rock hard laying against his belly, his balls had retracted to almost disappear into his body, and he still hadn’t touched himself.

Austin rested with his balls on Zeke’s ass, he leaned down and kissed Zeke again, then lifted Zeke’s arms and buried his nose in Zeke’s sweaty pits, licking and absorbing Zeke’s sweaty essence.  That scent, that man baste drove him wild and his hips bucked, pushing his cock in and out of Zeke’s ass on its own accord.  He regained control and started to fuck Zeke’s ass deliberately. He was so turned on, that he knew he wouldn’t last. He fucked hard, balls slapping Zeke on the ass.  Zeke finally reached down and stroked his cock, which was trapped between them.

Austin lifted a hand and brought it to his own pits and rubbed it through the sweat and stink and then rubbed that under Zeke’s nose. He held his hand there over Zeke’s mouth and nose, not to smother but to force that scent into Zeke’s system.  Zeke went crazy. His hand flew across his cock.  And he erupted.  Cum splashed up across is chest, hitting Austin’s arm and hand, still covering his mouth, with more hitting and covering his stomach and chest, as well. 

Austin was pounding hard, right behind Zeke, and he send his seed deep into Zeke’s ass.  Five then six then seven pulses filled Zeke to overflowing, cum running down his own shaft as it spilled out of Zeke’s ass.  Finally, he was done but instead of pulling out, he left his cock in Zeke and collapsed down across the cum covered belly and chest.  Unfortunately that drew his cock out of Zeke who felt empty at the loss.  They lay side by side for a moment but they wrapped around each other then and in minutes were asleep.

They slept through the night and woke with the dawn, still wrapped in each other’s arms, both hard.  They exchanged blow jobs then, 69ing again as they each milked out a load from their morning wood.  They climbed out of the tent, stepped out of the camp and relieved themselves then moved back to get the camp ready to pack up. Zeke got coffee going, but they didn’t bother with breakfast. 

They were packed and ready to go in less than an hour, doused the fire and tethered the animals in a line behind them. They mounted up, and started for home, the dogs leading the way.  They smiled at each other but didn’t say much, Austin quietly singing to himself as they rode.



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