Cody's Valentine's Day surprise

Cody sat at his desk and looked at the long list of unread emails waiting for him.  It was Feb 3rd and the new year had started off extremely busy, he’d barely had any free time, both at work and outside of it.  And today he sat here  staring at the long list of unanswered emails and he wondered why the hell was he doing this.  He hated his current job and really wanted to spend his days writing. He’d had a few sales, and his work was well received, but not enough to live on – still he knew if only he had the time to dedicate to it, he’d be a success.  He’d need to talk to them about things but as of right now he didn’t see a way to make it happen.  And as a result of that, he’d been a chore the last few weeks, especially at home. He needed to apologies to them about that.

He sighed and dug into the emails. It took most of his morning to catch up on those and then update the projects and teams in each email chain.  He looked at the clock and realized it was almost lunchtime.  And he sighed again as he thought about the errands he’d need to run over lunch. 

He put down his work and picked up his phone, opened the Notes app and began to list out his lunch hour errands: Hit the party store, hit the sex shop, hit the chocolate shop and other items filled the list.  He had almost two weeks, before Valentine’s Day, so he didn’t have to do it all today, but he, also, didn’t want to leave anything to the last minute, he wanted it all just right, to show them that he was sorry for being overly prickly these last weeks. He sighed to himself again.

He mapped out the list by store and by timeline so he knew when to get what – for example the food was the last thing on his list, he’d get that on the 13th, he’d booked off the 14th, so he could prepare all day, cooking and baking, he wanted the day to be special. It was to be their first Valentine’s Day, and he really wanted to show them how much he loved and appreciated them.

The next days passed quickly.  He was planning to surprise them with dinner and whatever followed, so he tried to hide what he was doing.  They, of course, noticed that he was removed and a little distant over that time frame, but Cody worked hard not to let on what he was planning. He’d completed his list and after they’d left for work on the 14th, he got up and started his prep.

First thing was the heart shaped, double chocolate fudge cake.  He prepped his workspace and pulled out the new heart shaped pan he’d bought.  He began pulling the cake batter together, and as he was making it, he thought about them, and how he’d gotten here.

Cody was in his late twenties, he’d been your typical party boy, not looking for anything serious, just out to have a good time. He was gay, and although he was a party boy, he was also secretly a romantic, he liked to be wined and dined, to be treated well by the man he was dating.  He hadn’t had it often, but he had it enough that he knew he really liked it.

Still, as a club kid it wasn’t something he encountered often as his typical night usually consisted of a hookup, a wham bam thank you stan, if you please.  When he met Jet, he certainly wasn’t expecting much more than a quick fuck and a see you later.  They met at the Eagle and headed straight to the backroom.  Jet pulled his cock out and Cody hit his knees.  He sucked Jet in the dim light. Jet was about 6.5 inches and not overly thick, but he was muscular, and he could drive those inches deep into Cody’s throat and Cody loved every minute of it. He pulled off Jet’s cock long enough to take a hit of poppers and then dove back onto him.  Jet grabbed each side of Cody’s face and drove his cock deep.  It didn’t take long before he filled Cody’s mouth with cum.  And before Cody could swallow it all, he pulled Cody up and kissed him, driving his tongue into Cody’s mouth to taste the dregs of his own load.  Breaking the kiss, Jet pushed Cody away and headed back to the main bar.  Others were waving hard cocks at Cody, but he declined and also headed back to the front.

He stayed another hour at the bar and decided he’d had enough. He finished his beer and headed out.  In front of the bar, he found Jet, leaning against a wall, having a cigarette.

“Hey, boy, you were pretty good in there.” Jet offered.

Cody, a little surprised that Jet even remembered him, it wasn’t something he expected, simply nodded and offered his thanks.

“I’d love to play some more, if you’re up for it,” Jet suggested.

“You want another blow job?” Cody asked.

“Yes, no, I mean I want it all, I want to suck your cock, to fuck and be fucked, if you’re up for it.” And as he said that Jet stepped up to Cody and rubbed his crotch.  He leaned in and kissed Cody again, wrapping an arm around Cody’s torso and pulling him close.

“What d’you say?” he asked, “Want to come back to my place?”

“I think I’d like that a lot,” Cody replied.

“Just a heads up,” Jet replied, “My roommate might be there, but she won’t mind us playing.”

“She?” Cody asked.

“Yeah, is that a problem.”

“No, I don’t think so.  If she doesn’t mind, I don’t either.”

“Trust me, she won’t mind.” Jet laughed.

They walked arm in arm down the street, Cody thought it a little forward, as they’d just met. He remembered thinking was Jet afraid he’d run away. After a few blocks they arrived at Jet’s condo.  They headed up and he let them in.  A woman was sitting naked on the sofa, bathed in the light of a glowing TV screen. She looked up as they came in.

“Who’s this then?” she asked. It was hard to say with only three words spoken but she sounded like she had a faint accent, at least to Cody’s ear.

“Betsy, this is Cody, I fucked his mouth at the club and now I want to fuck the rest of him.” He said it matter-of-factly, like it was an everyday occurrence.

“Nice to meet you, Cody.  Have fun.” She replied, Cody still couldn’t determine if there was an accent there or not.

“Nice to meet you,” he replied though.  Jet grabbed his arm and led him into the bedroom.  Once inside, Cody noticed that Jet hadn’t closed the door, they began to undress each other, kicking off shoes, pulling off shirts and struggling with belts.

In minutes they were naked, and they fell onto the bed.  Jet was pleasantly surprised with Cody’s cock which rose to almost 8 thick inches.  He rolled Cody onto his back, then went down on his large cock, inhaling it to the root. Jet rode Cody’s cock, fucking his own throat, hard.  Cody remembered being impressed with his ability. Saliva was spilling down Cody’s shaft, wetting his balls and pubic hair – he wore that well-trimmed.

Jet swung around and positioned his cock at Cody’s mouth without ever letting go of the prize in his own.  Cody, who was not slow to take a hint, pulled Jet’s cock into his own mouth and they fucked each other’s throat.  Through the open door, Cody could hear the TV in the other room.  He was sure she could hear them, as they weren’t quiet.  Then he noticed a shadow, the light dimmed a bit, he couldn’t see why as his view was blocked by Jet’s body on top of him. 

It wasn’t until Jet pulled off and turned around, and took a position to lower himself onto Cody’s cock that Cody could see Betsy standing in the doorway, fingering herself and pinching her nipples as she watched them play. For a moment it bothered him, then he felt Jet’s ass close on his cock and was caught up in the tightness and warmth of that ass and how good it felt as it wrapped around his cock and he put her out of his mind. 

Jet sighed as his body sank down onto Cody’s cock.  He sat still, for a moment, arching his back slightly and just absorbed the feeling of Cody filling him.  As he leaned back, Betsy stepped into the room and climbed onto the bed, she crawled between Cody’s spread legs, she ran her hand along Cody’s ball sack, rolled his balls, then continue up along his cock and pushed against Jet’s ass for a moment, before getting onto her knees, she wrapped her arms around Jet and reached down for his cock and began to stroke it.

Cody didn’t know quite what to make of that. It wasn’t something that he bargained for, but Jet felt so good on his cock, he just went with it.  Jet was moaning loudly now, his body flexing, contracting and shaking with reaction as he rode. Behind Jet, Betsy pressed her tits into his back and he could feel her hard nipples pressing into his shoulder blades, and the meaty flesh of her breast pressing into him, and he leaned back into her. She was stroking his cock rapidly, and Jet was breathing hard. His ass was milking Cody’s cock, and as a result, he was getting close.  Cody could tell by the way his breathing shortened that Jet was close.

“I’m gonna cum,” Jet moaned out and Betsy increased her speed on his cock. In seconds he was shooting his load, covering her hand and Cody’s belly.  At that same moment, Cody unloaded deep inside Jet.

Betsy lifted her hand, coated in cum, to Jet’s mouth and he licked her clean.   She then pulled away and scooted down on the bed, between Cody’s legs and licked Jet’s ass and Cody’s softening cock.  Some cum had leaked out, down onto Cody’s balls, and she licked and sucked them clean.  To his surprise, Cody’s cock started to harden again and Jet moaned as the cock grew back to its full length in his ass.  He couldn’t believe how good she felt on his balls and with her tongue on his shaft.

Jet rolled off of him then, and lay on the bed beside them, Betsy swallowed Cody’s cock, sucking and licking it clean.  Cody, much to his own amazement, started to cum again, filling her mouth with a fresh load, Betsy just kept right on sucking and swallowed it all.  When he’d calmed down again and softened in her mouth, she switched to Jet, lifted his legs and licked his ass clean and then sucked his cock clean of any last drops.

Back to the present, Cody sat at the kitchen island and remembered that first meeting.  His cock was hard in his pants but just as he thought about pulling it out and stroking a load out, the oven timer dinged, and he got up to pull the cake out of the oven.

He got busy then, prepping and decorating for their dinner.  He was still reliving the last year, in his mind as he worked. 

He remembered being awkward right after he’d cum the second time, in shock that it had been with a woman. He wasn’t sure what to feel, if he was honest with himself, he’d clearly liked it, but what did that mean? He recalled laying there as Jet cuddled up on his left and Betsy on his right.  They both drifted off quickly but he lay there, too many thoughts running through his head.  What did it mean that he came with a woman?  He was gay right? Then how?  Finally, he drifted off to sleep.  When he awoke the next morning, he felt something probing at his ass.  Jet was trying to work his morning wood into Cody’s ass, while, at the same time, Betsy was sucking on his own morning hard on.

He pulled away from them both, got up and went to the bathroom, a pee break took care of the wood, and he came back to find Jet fucking Betsy.  He grabbed his clothes and left. He spent the next week or so alone, not willing to fuck even another guy. He was too messed up in his head.  He was out shopping one day when he ran into Betsy.  She told him how upset they were that he’d left, and they were sorry if it went too far for his comfort. 

He told her that it was fine but that it had freaked him out and it wasn’t sure how to react or what he was supposed to do.  She invited him back to their place for dinner, something nice, she’d cook and they could talk about what had happened and decide if a repeat could be arranged. She emphasized that they both wanted a repeat. He agreed and was at their place that evening for dinner.  The conversation had gone well, and they all ended up in bed.  This time Jet got to fuck Cody while Betsy rode his long cock.  She was coming non-stop, Cody was soaked with her juices.  He actually found that he really liked it.  After her third orgasm, she climbed off Cody and she pulled out a strap on and she moved behind Jet and, lubed them both and fucked him. Cody could feel her thrusts as each time she pushed in, Jet drove in deeper.  Cody was the first to cum, followed quickly by Jet depositing a load in his ass.  When they guys came, Betsy pulled out of Jet and licked every drop cum she could, first from Cody’s ass then from his belly and chest. With a mouthful of their loads, she shared it between the three of them. After the night, they started dating, officially, and it was only two months later that Betsy and Jet asked him to move in with them and they became a throuple. 

Now here it was 10 months later, and he was happier than he thought he could be, about his personal life, that is, not about his work life but still, happy overall.  He busied himself for the rest of the afternoon, preparing the meal for them, setting out candles and flowers, and setting the table.  He placed a card on each of their place settings and opened the wine to let it breath. 

Then he waited.  He didn’t have to wait long.  They both arrived home together. Jet carried a dozen red roses and Betsy a box of bonbons, with a card, in one hand and a box in the other. They each presented him with the gifts, and he teared up slightly.  He kissed them both and they ended up in a three-way embrace. 

“Read the card,” Jet encouraged.

Cody put down the flowers, he’d been clutching them like a teddy bear, afraid that it wasn’t real, that this amount of happiness wasn’t happening to him.  He picked up the card and opened it.

“Cody, we love you and we want you to be happy.  We want the best for you.  Please let us take care of you. Quit your job, stay home and focus on your writing.  Use this new laptop to write your novel. Love Betsy and Jet.”

He was shaking by the time he finished reading it.

“No…no….this can’t be real,” he was crying, almost sobbing now.

“We love you, Cody, and we know how unhappy you are at your job. We know you try to leave that at work, but it comes home with you.  Betsy and I discussed it, and we can afford this place without your salary, so go ahead and quit.  Write the great American Novel and then you can take care of us.” Jet hugged him.

Cody kissed them both then, he couldn’t believe how lucky he was. 

“Are you both serious,” he asked, “I can’t believe it. I owe you both so much already.”

He kissed them again, first Betsy, then Jet. And with that the plans for dinner were out the window.

Jet reached up and placed his hand on Cody’s shoulder, then pushed down. Cody dropped to his knees and pulled Jet’s cock out of his jeans, he wrapped his lips around it.  Jet put his one arm over Betsy’s shoulder and shifted the other hand to Cody’s head.  They stood, there, in the living room, Betsy and Jet both looking down at Cody as he worked on Jet’s cock.   Betsy tilted Jet’s head and kissed him, driving her tongue into his mouth.  She worked at undoing the buttons on his shirt and then helped him to pull that off, she then did the same thing with her own shirt and bra.  Jet leaned down and nibbled on her nipples, he cupped one breast with his free hand, while he chewed on the other.  Betsy worked out of her skit and was just in her panties which were already wet.

Cody moved off of Jet’s cock and licked his pussy through her panties tasting her through the thin material. He reached up and pulled them down, and let his tongue explore the flesh directly.  Betsy was very wet and Cody dove in, probing and licking with his tongue. She was already cumming on his tongue. He traced along her lips and then up to the clit, which on Betsy was a small cock, he sucked that, as if that is what it was, and she almost buckled in reaction.

Jet let go of Betsy and lifted Cody to his feet, then sank down to his own knees. He undid Cody’s jeans and pulled them about halfway down on his legs, Cody was commando, and his cock popped up, nearly slapping Jet in the face.  Jet reached up, held it for a second then pulled it into his throat.  Beside them Betsy, now naked, also sank to her knees she wrapped an arm around Jet’s back, reaching up to Cody’s ass, which she kneaded.  With her other hand, she grabbed onto Jet’s cock and began to stroke him, while nibbling on his nipples which were small rocks they were so hard. 

Jet’s mouth on his cock, which felt amazing, as well Betsy’s hand on his ass cheeks was having an impact on Cody and he closed his eyes and rolled his head back savouring each sensation.  Betsy stopped her work on Jet’s cock and looked at him.

“Cody,” she said.

He rolled his head forward and down at her kneeling beside Jet.  Jet pulled his mouth off of Cody’s cock and Betsy took his place.

“This night is about you,” Jet said, then swapped with Betsy again.

“What do you want to do,” Betsy continued.

Then she kissed Cody’s shaft, while Jet took his place on the other side, their lips meeting in a cock filled kiss.

“I want this,” Cody gasped out. “I want to be in the middle. In every way.”

Both Jet and Betsy stood up and they each took one of Cody’s hands then led the way to the bedroom, where it had all begun months ago.  The guys stripped off the rest of their clothes as they made their way across the short distance. Betsy climbed onto the bed and lay on her back.  Cody climbed between her legs and slid two fingers into her, she was already soaking wet and the slid in easily. 

“Fuck me,” it was more a command than a beg.  And he moved up and slid his cock into her.  He leaned down and nibbled on her neck and arching his back, he bit down on her left then right nipple, which caused her to arch her back up and drove him deeper into her.

Behind him, Jet climbed between his legs and worked to get his tongue in Cody’s ass, which was hard to do as Cody was driving into Betsy, clenching his ass cheeks.  Jet got up and grabbed a bottle of lube from the side table.  And applied a liberal amount to himself then worked at getting some in Cody’s ass.

“Hold still,” he told Cody and Cody froze in place, half in and half out of Betsy.  She, not wanting things to stop pushed up and onto in. Behind him, Jet positioned himself and pushed his cock into Cody’s ass.  The lube was more than sufficient to pave the way, and he was soon balls deep in Cody’s ass.  He drove down and in, pushing Cody down and into Betsy.  She was moaning louder with each stroke.  They both new she would be cumming hard, and she did.  She cried out with each pulse of her orgasm.

“I need a break,” she said as she was gasping to catch her breath.  Cody let her up and she went to get some water.

“My turn,” Jet said and he pulled out of Cody’s ass, got onto his hands and knees, and waited for Cody to mount him.  Cody grabbed the lube and applied some to himself then more to Jet’s ass and worked his cock in.  He started with a slow stroke, taking his time to work his entire length into Jet.  Since that first day, Jet loved the long cock filling his ass and he pushed back to get more of it into himself.

A hand reached and grabbed the lube, Betsy had returned, and then Cody felt something probing his ass.  Betsy had donned her largest strapon and was now pushing it into his ass.  This strapon was larger than his cock, certainly bigger than Jet’s.  It was a stretch but true to his request he was in the middle again, the two people he loved were riding him front and back. 

Just thinking of that, of the love and lust he felt for these two people pushed him over the edge and he emptied his balls into Jet’s ass.  He collapsed down onto Jet’s back and Jet dropped onto his belly squashing his own rock hard cock under him.  The movement pulled his ass off of Betsy’s strapon and she slid down onto the bed beside them.

Cody rolled off Jet and lay beside him, Betsy on the other side, Jet flipped over and lay on his back as well.  Cody reached down and stroked Jet’s hard cock, Betsy joined him and together they milked Jet until his cock erupted spraying cum over both of their arms and his belly. 

“Happy Valentine’s Day, beloveds,” Betsy said to them both as she licked up cum.

They drifted off then, waking up later to cook the meal that Cody had started and then fuck each other all night. 


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