Zeke stepped out of the bunkhouse. He looked at the sun rising in the distance, stretched and started walking towards the barn. Austin was already there; he’d led his palomino out and was checking the cinch and seating of the saddle. “Morning,” Zeke nodded as he passed and went in to retrieve and saddle his own mount. Daisy Mae was a large chestnut, gentle as could be though and he loved her. He led her out of her stall and grabbed his saddle; he tossed the blanket over her back then hefted the saddle up into place and began fastening and checking straps. He spent a few minutes tightening the straps and adjusting for her comfort. Daisy Mae stood placidly through it all. Picking up her reigns he led her out to find Austin packing up their supplies on their pack horse. They’d be out for a day or two, there were several calves missing and they were on a mission to find them. There were a couple of places where they suspected that the...