Joshua Hikes into the Mist Pt 4: Joshua and Feryn
Joshua became used to the constant pull, he could never quite ignore it completely, but he could live with it. He went about his life, working in customer service, taking lunch time walks, weekend hikes – he deliberately stayed away from a certain valley. Mornings would find him jogging through city streets, and some mornings he’d swear he’d see wisps of fog form around him, and he’d hear voices or feel a hand touch him, but then the next step he’d be in full sun as he jogged his morning miles. He knew he was going crazy and yet he also knew it was all too real. He wasn’t afraid of Feryn or the bond, necessarily, more so of the pull it seemed to have on him. Feryn had said they could break the bond, but what would that do to him? And did he want it broken. Feryn was his as much as he was Feryn’s, and he wasn’t sure he wanted that to end. Fucking magic, he though to himself, in fact, he shouted it out loud many times over the ensuing weeks. It was one of those days ...